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A place to discover...

What is Christian Zionism?

Christian Zionism merges theology and politics. It teaches that the secular State of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Christian Zionism believes that this fulfillment of Biblical prophecy began when European Jews started moving to Palestine in the 1800s, and continued as Israel became a nation in 1948. Christian Zionists believe that modern Israel is a continuation of Biblical Israel and therefore should enjoy special privileges. They declare that it is the responsibility of Christians to support the State of Israel and its policies.

An invitation for you

We invite you to explore the basis for Christian Zionism and to find answers to some perplexing questions. For example, is contemporary Israel the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? Are the Jewish people God’s chosen people today? Has God promised the land of Palestine exclusively to the Jewish people as an everlasting inheritance? How should Christians view the Palestinians and especially the Palestinian church?

We welcome you to join us in pondering these crucial issues...

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Biblical Questions

Who owns the Holy Land?

Has the Church replaced Israel?

Who are God's "chosen people" today?


Theological Questions

What is replacement theology?

Was Jesus a Zionist?

Did modern Israel inherit the promises made to Abraham?

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return of the jewish people to the holy land, defining antisemitism, does god bless those who bless israel and curse those who curse israel

By EvgeniT (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Political Questions

Is there an Israeli occupation of Palestinian land?

Why do some refer to the West Bank and Gaza as “disputed territory”?

What about the special plight of children living under occupation?


Featured Resource

The Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME) is a collective of pastors, students, scholars and everyday Christians working together as followers of Jesus toward justice and peace, seeking holistic approaches to conflict in the Middle East. NEME’s leadership team recognizes we are at an inflection point where an increasing number of evangelicals are seeking answers to questions about justice over issues like the war in Gaza.

Our collegues at NEME have created an inspiring, informative website. For additional resources, visit NEME: Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East.