Evangelicals Talk About Gaza

Dr. Bruce Fisk

Dr. Bruce Fisk is a New Testament theologian and a research fellow on the Middle East. Here Dr. Fisk outlines some shortcomings of evangelical commentary about the conflict in Gaza. The article is at: https://www.redletterchristians.org/praised-by-faint-damnation/

What to Do With a News Flash from Israel - from the Editorial Team of ChristianZionism.org

Many of us who follow Jesus care deeply about news coming from Israel. We hear this news in the secular media and also in our churches—both in sermons and in prayer concerns expressed in fellowship gatherings. Sometimes the news is hopeful, but frequently we hear stories of tragedy and violence. It is easy to rush to judgment about who is right and who is wrong. God’s people need to cultivate spiritually-sensitive discernment when we hear reports from Israel about the activities of either the Israelis or the Palestinians during a new cycle of conflict. Here’s what to keep in mind (click here): News Flashes From Israel.