Christian Zionism In The News
• Learn how Christian Zionism affects the news we hear every day
• Discover significant stories that our mainstream press often overlooks
Select one of the titles below for timely insights. This list includes 45 entries (45 news articles).
The Growing Political Power of Christian Zionism in the US
The nomination of Mike Huckabee as the United States ambassador to Israel is the latest sign of the growing political influence of Christian Zionism. The article “Huckabee as Trump’s pick for Israel ambassador is a win for Christian Zionism. Here’s Why” explains how developments within the Southern Baptist Convention combined with the prominence of Christians United for Israel point to growing solidarity among evangelical Christians in their support of Israel.
The Forward’s Provocative Perspective on Mike Huckabee and Christian Zionism
The November 2024 issue of The Forward, a Jewish, independent, nonprofit magazine, included an opinion piece titled “Mike Huckabee’s old-school Christian Zionism is bad news for anyone who wants Middle East peace.” In the article, author Tristan Sturm outlines Huckabee’s theological perspective and quotes Huckabee on his fervent support for Israel. He concludes, “For Huckabee, what happens next in the Middle East will not be about politics. It will be about a violent vision of religion, one in which conflict, war and dismal fates for Palestinians and Jews alike are preordained by God.”
Archbishop of Canterbury Says Ending the Israeli Occupation is a “Legal and Moral Necessity”
The Archbishop of Canterbury has added his voice to the chorus of those supporting the recent International Criminal Court (ICJ) opinion on Israel’s military occupation, stating, “Through annexing Palestinian land for illegal settlements, depriving Palestinians access to their own natural resources, and imposing a system of military rule that denies them safety and justice, the State of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope.” Ending the occupation is a “legal and moral necessity."
In May 2024 the Christian website Come and See published a timely article by Rev. Alex Awad. “As an evangelical writing to evangelicals,” writes Awad, “I beg my siblings in the faith to focus on the words of Jesus and stop endorsing territorial violence.” Awad wonders why evangelical Christians donate millions of dollars to build a “Third Temple” in Jerusalem. “How I wish my evangelical brothers and sisters would stop and imagine the pain, injury, and death that their eschatological temple theology has heaped on millions of Arabs including Arab Christians.”
Christ Under the Rubble: A Liturgy of Lament
This past December, Christmas festivities Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus, were cancelled—replaced by mourning for the thousands of men, women and children killed and injured in nearby Gaza. Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, offered a moving Christmas sermon of lament. Inside of Christmas Lutheran Church, the traditional crèche displayed the baby Jesus partially buried under rubble, with the three Wise Men covered in soot as they search for the Christ Child.
Why are Christian Zionists Silent?
This past summer, large and unprecedented protests broke out in Israel over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s controversial proposals to overhaul the nation’s judiciary. Christian Zionists, who customarily take sides in the nation’s politics, were uncharacteristically silent on the issue. Why this relative silence? In this lengthy, carefully researched article, author Daniel Hummel traces Christian Zionist leaders’ evolution from outspoken supporters of Israeli political parties to practitioners of studied neutrality in order to remain on good terms with the governing coalition in the Israeli Knesset.
A Rabbi Laments the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians
August 2, 2023 Brant Rosen, rabbi of Tzedek Chicago, a synagogue he founded in August 2015, calls for Jews “to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, to acknowledge the truth of their historic and ongoing dispossession, and to affirm a different reality: ‘where both peoples thrive – not one at the cost of another.’”
Is “Jewish Supremacy” Translating into Anti-Christian Violence in Jerusalem?
March 15, 2023 In an opinion piece in Religion News Service, Palestinian Christian Daoud Kuttab highlights a recent spate of violence against Christians in Jerusalem and argues, “It is no longer acceptable for Israel to pay lip service to freedom of religion and worship when it fails to support its citizens who are not Jewish.”
U.S. State Department Reports an Increase in Attacks on Palestinian Civilians
February 28, 2023 Today, the on-line newsletter Axios published an insightful summary of a recent U.S. State Department report regarding Israeli settler violence against Palestinian civilians.
Friends Tell the Truth, Even When It Hurts
September 10, 2022 On August 18, 2022, the State of Israel labeled seven leading Palestinian humanitarian organizations as “terrorist” organizations and banned their activities. In an opinion piece in the Forward, Daniel Sokatch writes that labeling such organizations “terrorist” and shutting down their operations, “…is, simply put, not what democracies do.” “It is time,” asserts Sokatch, “for the vast majority of American Jews . . . to send a clear message to our own U.S. government: Israel is our beloved friend, but friends tell the truth, even when the truth is hard to hear.”
Has the Campaign Against Antisemitism Become a Threat to Freedom?
August 26, 2022 In this New York Times opinion piece, professor of journalism Peter Beinart argues that the campaign against antisemitism has, ironically, become a threat to freedom.
John Hagee and the Motives that Drive Christian Zionism
August 5, 2022 Daniel G. Hummel works at Upper House, a Christian study center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is the author of Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews and U.S.-Israeli Relations (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019). In this article, Hummel illustrates, using the example of Pastor John Hagee, how the motives for Christian Zionism can evolve over time.
How Strong is the Biblical Basis for Christian Zionism?
June 10, 2022 In a mini-course co-hosted by Churches for Middle East Peace and Embrace the Middle East, Colin Chapman presents material from his book Christian Zionism and the Restoration of Israel: How Should We Interpret the Scriptures? (Wipf & Stock, May 2021)
May 9, 2022 Rev. Munther Isaac is a Palestinian Christian who serves as the academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College, pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, and director of the Christ at the Checkpoint conference. This article regarding Isaac’s remarkable life journey was written by Naomi Zeveloff, an editor at the Committee to Protect Journalists and contributor to The Forward, The World, The Atlantic, and NPR. The article was posted on February 4, 2022 at the website Religion Unplugged.
A Nobel Laureate's Thoughts on Palestine
February 15, 2022 Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his inspiring work to end apartheid and promote reconciliation in his home country of South Africa. He also spoke out against injustices around the world. Honoring his legacy and quoting his observations about Israel-Palestine, Middle East Eye posted this article on the day of Tutu’s death in December 2021.
Evangelical Support for Israel Can Change
December 12, 2021 Polls show that support for Israel among younger evangelicals has declined. But will this decline be permanent? An engaging article by Walker Robins traces the history of Baptist support for the modern state of Israel.
Black and Palestinian Christians Unite in Following Jesus the Liberator
October 6, 2021 Black and Palestinian Christians have united in a shared struggle for both physical and spiritual freedom. Written by Mattew Vega and published in Sojourners, this article traces the history and theology of mutual support between Palestinians and Blacks working together in Christian contexts.
Theologian Surveys Current Evangelical Attitudes Toward Israel and Palestine August 31, 2021 New Testament scholar Gary Burge uses evangelical news sources to assess recent opinion trends among evangelical Christians. He finds that younger believers, concerned about injustice, tend to support peace and prosperity for both Israelis and Palestinians without privileging one group over the other.
News Analyst Assesses Christian Zionist Responses to Leadership Changes in Israel August 31, 2021 Journalist Colum Lynch describes Christian Zionist reactions to the new political leadership in Israel.
Jewish Publication Exposes Distortions Peddled by Christian Zionist Organization July 28, 2021 An effort by the Florida Department of Education to develop meaningful education about the Holocaust is being subverted by a Christian Zionist organization intent on promoting its own agenda.
Young Evangelical Christians Issue a Statement on God’s All-Embracing Love July 28, 2021 A group of African American and Palestinian Christians associated with the Christ at the Checkpoint community share their inspirational convictions about the intrinsic worth of every human life.
Survey Highights Growing Ambivalence Toward Israel Among Younger Evangelicals July 1, 2021 A recent Survey finds today’s young evangelicals have an “immense diversity” in their views.
Some Evangelical Christians Equate Ancient Israel with the Israel of Today, While Others Reject This View July 1, 2021 An article by respected journalist Tom Gjelten explores two opposing views of Israel today.
New Film Gives Us a Close-up Look at Counter-productive Activities of U.S. Christian Zionists May 28, 2021 A new documentary film, ‘Til Kingdom Come, questions whether activities of U.S. Christian Zionists are genuinely helpful.
Israel's Vaccination Policies Create a Dilemma for Christian Zionists April 27, 2021 If Israel adopts a COVID vaccination requirement for foreign visitors, should Christian Zionists wishing to visit Israel submit to being vaccinated and travel to Israel? Or should they avoid the vaccine and thus deprive themselves of the opportunity for such travel?
Meet an Inspiring Palestinian Christian Leader, a True Servant of Christ March 1, 2021 In this 27-minute documentary, former Archbishop and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michael Sabbah shares his uplifting reflections against a backdrop of harsh realities faced by Palestinian Christians.
In Memoriam: Sheldon Adelson, Financial Supporter of Christian Zionism March 1, 2021 Published at the time of his death, this article in +972 Magazine provides an insightful look at Sheldon Adelson’s enduring influence on Zionist causes.
Church Leaders Discuss What is Needed for Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians January 25, 2021 In an opinion piece from Religion News Service, two prominent Protestant pastors offer suggestions for constructive measures toward a just peace in the Holy Land.
A Voice from Bethlehem: Meet a Christian Pastor Serving in the Birthplace of Jesus January 1, 2021 View an inspiring Christmas video message from Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, who served for 30 years as pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem.
Norwegian Bishops Issue Statement on Christian Zionism December 1, 2020 Bishops in the Church of Norway have continued that denomination’s long tradition of active concern for human rights by issuing a statement rejecting Christian Zionism on theological grounds and expressing a desire to work with Jewish leaders to advance justice and peace for all residents of the Holy Land.
Lutheran Pastor has Witnessed Palestinian Perseverance (Sumud) and Explains the Concept as well as the Context November 1, 2020 Rev. Arland Jacobson describes the admirable courage of ordinary Palestinians as they practice non-violent resistance to injustices inflicted upon them by the Israeli occupation.
How the Relationship Between Christian Zionists and the Current U.S. Administration Endangers Peace November 1, 2020 Written by social justice organizer Sarah Lazare in the waning months of the Trump administration, this article explains how policies of that administration were designed to appeal to Christian Zionist voters and endanger (not enhance) peace.
Using the State of Israel as a “Political Football” to Seduce Evangelical Voters October 1, 2020 In an opinion piece, the Washington Bureau Chief for the Chicago Sun-Times presents strong evidence that the Trump administration exploited the State of Israel in order to seduce the Evangelical vote.
Reverend William Barber Shines a Light on the Meaning of “Made in God’s Image” September 1, 2020 Rev. William Barber is one of those extraordinary leaders who can engage people and help them realize what action is needed. In this essay, Rev. Barber addresses the plight of Palestinian men, women and children, and our response to that plight.
Palestinian Christian Document Highlights a Moral Crisis in Our Churches August 31, 2020 Palestinian Christians and their friends and supporters around the world have issued a bold document,“Cry for Hope: A Decisive Call for Action.” This document highlights the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli occupation and calls on Christians everywhere to exhibit moral courage in speaking out against oppression.
Biblical Perspectives on Israeli Annexation August 30, 2020 In this timely article, Palestinian Christian scholar Yousef Al Khouri reminds us that seizing possession of other people’s lands is clearly labeled as a sin in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. If the modern state of Israel annexes Palestinian land, it violates the commandments of Old Testament scriptures.
American Jewish Groups Affirm Human Rights, Rebuke Other Jewish Groups for Inconsistency July 27, 2020 This article points out the inconsistency of Jewish groups that support Black Lives Matter while at the same time condoning the brutal suppression of Palestinian human rights. Jewish groups affirming human rights for all people everywhere include IfNotNow, +972, and Jewish Voice for Peace.
Christian Pastors of Bethlehem and Neighboring Towns Seek Hope July 27, 2020 As living conditions in occupied Palestine worsen, some Palestinian Christians are beginning to lose their hope. Many are leaving the Holy Land out of sheer desparation. We share with you this open letter from spiritual leaders of Christian communities in the Bethlehem area.
Church Historian Warns Against Melding National Military Might with Radical Religious Beliefs July 27, 2020 Jeffrey Rosario, a doctoral candidate at Cambridge University in England, argues that U.S. foreign policy is imperiled when officials like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo embrace Christian Zionist calls for a divinely-willed end-time of deadly violence.
From Sweden to the Holy Land: Swedish Christians Support Palestinian Churches June 29, 2020 Four well-known Swedish Christians issue an urgent statement of concern about the harm Israel’s latest annexation plans will inflict upon Palestinian Christian communities, and call upon Christians everywhere to take actions to prevent this annexation.
Clergy in the Holy Land Offer Insights May 6, 2020 Palestinian Christian communities (Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox) are often forgotten by Western Christians, even though their suffering cries out for our compassion. In an opinion piece, two Palestinian Christian pastors describe an impending catastrophe, spawned by policies of the Trump administration, in the communities they serve.
Perspectives on the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century” February 25, 2020 In January 2020, the long-awaited “Deal of the Century” was finally announced by President Trump and Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, to mixed reviews. A collection of four essays, assembled by editors of this website, helps answer the question: How should Christians evaluate and respond to this plan?
Christ at the Checkpoint 2020: Christians to Gather in Bethlehem to Find Hope and Resilience in a Broken World February 22, 2020 This is a preview of the sixth Christ at the Checkpoint conference, scheduled for June 2020. Hundreds of evangelical Christians from the Middle East, United States and Europe will attend this conference.
A Biblical Scholar Studies Christian Zionism February 1, 2020 Bible scholar Dr. Gary Burge, dean of the faculty of Calvin Seminary in Michigan, explains in simple language what we need to know about Christian Zionism. And he goes on to critique it from a Christian point of view.
Smithsonian Magazine Highlights MEJDI Tours - a New Way to See the Holy Land February 1, 2020 The title of this Smithsonian Magazine article says it all: “Two Tour Guides—One Israeli, one Palestinian—Offer a New Way to See the Holy Land.” Aziz abu Sarah and Scott Cooper established MEJDI Tours to challenge classic Holy Land tours that ignore important issues, and the local people, where they travel.