Christian Zionism in the News

Archbishop of Canterbury says ending Israeli occupation is a “legal and moral necessity”

October 4, 2024

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Photo: Wikimedia Commons

On August 2, 2024, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, responded to the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on Israel’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The court had determined that Israel’s occupation was “unlawful” and broke international law concerning “racial segregation” and “apartheid.”

The archbishop agreed with the court’s opinion and added, “Through annexing Palestinian land for illegal settlements, depriving Palestinians access to their own natural resources, and imposing a system of military rule that denies them safety and justice, the State of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope.” Ending the occupation is a “legal and moral necessity."

The Middle East Eye’s article about the archbishop’s statement was posted on its website on August 2, 2024 (click here): Archbishop of Canterbury says ending Israeli occupation is a 'legal and moral necessity'.