Christian Zionism In The News
Lutheran Pastor has Witnessed Palestinian Perseverance (Sumud) and Explains the Concept as well as the Context
November 1, 2020
olive harvesters in the village of Qafin, West Bank, Palestine. Photo: Orrling
Rev. Arland Jacobson describes the admirable courage of ordinary Palestinians as they practice non-violent resistance to various forms of injustice inflicted upon them by the Israeli occupation. He has personally known many Palestinians men and women who demonstrate perseverance despite heart-rending situations. Jacobson, a Lutheran pastor, has taught as a professor at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, where he has also served as pastor of Bethesda Lutheran Church. His career has included service as executive director of CHARIS Ecumenical Center (also in Moorhead) as well as a semester as Resident Scholar at the Collegeville Institute (Collegeville, Minnesota). To read the article (click here): The Living Protest of Sumud.