September 2021 Featured Article
No, the Bible doesn’t command Christians to ‘Stand With Israel’
Flag of Israel with Mediterranean in the background. Photo: Zachi Evenor. Wikimedia Commons.
The article “No, The Bible doesn’t command Christians to ‘stand with Israel’” was first published in 2017 in Patheos. It continues to reverberate, continues to inform. (The original article in Patheos has garnered over 1,600 on-line comments.) The article remains as timely and important today as it was four years ago.
The article’s writer, Benjamin L. Corey, is an author, speaker, scholar and global traveler. He holds graduate degrees in Theology and International Culture from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.
We on the Editorial Board have highlighted this piece as a Featured Article. We believe it will reward your careful reading of it.
To view Corey’s article (click here): No, The Bible Doesn’t Command We ‘Stand With Israel’